
Strategy Statement

Tamar Lake Inc has demonstrated that the only long term strategy for the Tamar River Recovery Plan is to conduct the upper reaches raking program as planned in the short term, and implement the Tamar Lake Strategy in parallel with the TasWater and NRM North water quality improvement programs, in the 5 to 10 year time frame.

The transformational Tamar Lake Strategy involves the separation of the Tamar River into a 60km long freshwater lake section with the catchment waters from 12% of the State flowing through the lake via the North and South Esk rivers, and a shortened 20km long tidal estuary off Bass Strait, with a barrage.

The economic justification for doing this comes not only from the boost to direct revenues and the employment generated for the whole Northern Tasmania, but from the indirect benefits to the Launceston area from the ability to manage the effects of sea level rise, flooding and water quality in the upper reaches of the Valley.

Contact Details

Tamar Lake Inc Launceston Tasmania 7250 Telephone: 0418 128 158 Email:

Website Design: Foot & Playstead

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